
CG Cowboy Studios
Based in the United States
Founding Date: 2021
Release Date:
October 2021
PC (Microsoft Windows)
Press Kit cover art for Angels Cove serving as a link to the Steam store.

Angels Cove is a first-person psychological horror game. Explore a secluded house on a remote island to conduct a paranormal investigation...

The game starts off as you crash your boat getting to a remote island. You need to find your equipment and make your way across the island to get to the house exploring other buildings and areas of the island unlocking areas of access along the way.

You've been called to the house to investigate strange disturbances. But the house is abandoned. The closer you get to the truth, the more the activity intensifies. Your role now is to understand the past behind the house and its island home.....or is it?

In Angels Cove, you are only armed with your investigation equipment. However, you will need to find items to access other areas of the island and the house. Explore every corner to find collectibles and hidden achievements. You won't die in this game. But you will be haunted as your investigation gets closer to the truth.

CG Cowboy Studios

CG Cowboy was established in 2021 and consists of a single member for the development of Angels Cove.

However, I have had generous support and contributions from family, friends, and members of the gamedev community for things like additional voices, feedback, and testing.

After Angels Cove was first published October 2021, the plan has been to begin development on another psychological horror game for VR.  However, after the warm reception of Angels Cove and the requests for the story to continue, Angels Cove 2 is currently in development and planned for release in Fall 2024. The initial platforms will be Xbox and PC.